
What the Bible says about Child Training


J. Richard Fugate

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"What the Bible says about Child Training" by J. Richard Fugate is a comprehensive guide for Christian parents that delves into the principles and practicalities of raising godly children based on biblical teachings. Fugate draws from his experience as a father and his deep understanding of the Bible to provide insights, guidance, and practical advice for parents seeking to raise their children in a way that aligns with Christian values.One of the key takeaways from the book is the importance of discipline in child training. Fugate emphasizes the biblical perspective on discipline as an essential component of parenting, emphasizing that discipline is not synonymous with punishment, but rather a means of teaching and guiding children towards godly behavior. He outlines the biblical basis for discipline and provides practical guidance on how to effectively discipline children in a loving and firm manner, based on biblical principles of correction, instruction, and guidance. Fugate highlights the importance of consistency, discernment, and grace in discipline, and encourages parents to view discipline as an act of love and obedience to God's commandments.Another key takeaway from the book is the emphasis on the role of parents as models and mentors for their children. Fugate underscores the significance of leading by example and living out a godly lifestyle as parents, as children are greatly influenced by the behavior and values of their parents. He highlights the importance of cultivating a strong parent-child relationship based on trust, respect, and open communication, and encourages parents to invest time, effort, and energy into building a healthy and nurturing relationship with their children. Fugate also emphasizes the need for parents to prioritize their relationship with God, as their own spiritual growth and walk with God significantly impact their ability to effectively raise godly children.In addition to these two key takeaways, "What the Bible says about Child Training" also covers a range of other important topics such as developing character in children, teaching obedience, handling rebellion, cultivating a love for God's Word, fostering healthy relationships, and addressing issues related to discipline, instruction, and correction in a biblical manner. Fugate provides practical examples, case studies, and scriptural references to support his teachings, making the book a valuable resource for Christian parents seeking guidance in navigating the challenges and joys of parenting through a biblical lens.Overall, "What the Bible says about Child Training" offers a comprehensive and practical guide for Christian parents who desire to raise their children in accordance with biblical principles. Fugate's emphasis on discipline, the role of parents as models and mentors, and the importance of cultivating a strong parent-child relationship based on trust and godly values are valuable insights that can help parents navigate the complexities of child-rearing in today's world. The book provides practical advice, biblical guidance, and relevant examples, making it a valuable resource for parents seeking to raise their children in a way that honors God and promotes their spiritual growth and development.

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