
Raising Passionate Jesus Followers


Phil Comer and Diane Comer

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"Raising Passionate Jesus Followers" is a practical guide for parents seeking to raise their children in a way that is centered around Jesus and filled with passion for Him. Phil and Diane Comer provide insight and wisdom gained from their own parenting journey, as well as research and experiences from other families. The book is filled with practical tips, stories, and biblical principles to help parents cultivate a passionate relationship between their children and Jesus.The first takeaway from the book is the importance of modeling a passionate faith for children. The authors argue that parents cannot expect their children to be passionate about Jesus if they themselves are not. Children learn more from what their parents do than what they say. Therefore, parents must prioritize their own relationship with Jesus, making it a priority in their own lives. This includes spending time in prayer and studying the Bible, actively participating in a faith community, and sharing their faith with others. When parents model a passionate faith, children are more likely to develop a genuine passion for Jesus.The second takeaway from the book is the importance of intentional parenting. The authors emphasize that raising passionate Jesus followers does not happen by accident. Parents must be intentional in their parenting, taking the time to set goals and create a plan for their family. This includes developing a family mission statement and identifying core values. Intentional parenting also involves creating a family culture that fosters a passion for Jesus. This includes prioritizing regular family devotionals and discussions about faith, creating opportunities for service and outreach, and making church attendance a priority. When parents are intentional about their parenting, they are better equipped to cultivate a passion for Jesus in their children.From a biblical perspective, "Raising Passionate Jesus Followers" is grounded in the belief that parents have a God-given responsibility to raise their children in a way that honors Him. The authors use Scripture to support their ideas and provide guidance for parents. For example, they use Deuteronomy 6:4-9 to support the idea that parents should be intentional about passing on their faith to their children. The book also emphasizes the importance of grace and forgiveness in parenting. Just as God extends grace to us, parents must extend grace to their children when they make mistakes.One of the strengths of "Raising Passionate Jesus Followers" is its practicality. The authors provide specific examples of how parents can implement their ideas in their own families. For example, they provide a list of questions for parents to ask during family devotionals, as well as suggestions for age-appropriate service projects. The book also includes stories from other families, showing how these principles have worked in real-life situations.Overall, "Raising Passionate Jesus Followers" is a helpful resource for parents seeking to raise their children in a way that honors God and fosters a passion for Jesus. The book is grounded in biblical principles, but also provides practical tips and advice for parents. The importance of modeling a passionate faith and intentional parenting are two key takeaways from the book. Parents who take the time to read and apply the ideas in this book will be well on their way to raising children who are passionate about Jesus.

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