Family Training at Watermark OC

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The data says it all...

of adult children never
leave home
of young adults have zero
financial literacy

of high school graduates
leave their formative faith
of parents say their
child's behavior is a reflection
of their own

When 69% of parents say they don't have a strategy to raise their children, these numbers make sense. That's why it is imperative that you are fully equipped, trained, and empowered to be the family leaders you were meant to be. Don't run the risk of letting your children get included in these statistics. Stand up and get trained to build a family legacy you're proud of.

Sign Up

What is family training?

Family Training empowers you with a strategy, a framework, tools, a support system, and accountability to build a legacy you can be proud of.


Family training isn't your typical 1 or 2 day mountain-top conference or retreat type experience, it's not a class or lesson series, and it's not a marketing campaign or gimmick to get you to subscribe or buy something. Family Training is a robust, involved, and encouraging experience that helps you build the family you long for. It is a journey of integrity, accountability, and communal growth that focuses on the foundation of society - your family. By leveraging the power of Legacy Mapping and the Legacy Development System in group settings, more and more families and communities are seeing radical change and growth towards strength, unity, connection, and purpose that is shifting the course of history.

What it looks like

Families will engage in Legacy Mapping to get things started. This is a 2-night experience filled with good food and inviting conversation. Each night lasts 3 hours and will include intentional childcare. The experience will be held at Watermark OC Church - a local church in Costa Mesa, CA. After everyone has completed Legacy Mapping, the 12-week group experience will commence in the two weeks following in groups of 3-6 couples in homes of your group's choosing. During the 12-week group experience, families will engage and work through the Legacy Development workbook together as they seek to build a family legacy they're proud of. To celebrate the accomplishment of finishing the 12 week group experience, a commencement ceremony will be held to honor and commission families to be Legacymakers with a special service and gift.

Who's it for?

Family training is for all families with children still in the home, likely under 18. If you are newly married or engaged and plan to have kids, then this is for you as well.

Unfortunately this training experience is not designed for individuals or single parents as there is significant work done in the area of your marriage. We are working to bring this format of training to your communities as well.

If you are a single parent or single individual, we do offer our training on a one-on-one approach, catered to your individual needs and circumstances, with trained and licensed facilitators along with the opportunity to receive a scholarship.

About the Pilot

You are needed at a special time
in the history of Legacymakers.
We are legacymakers

Igniting a movement of unity and purpose in families around the world.

A restoration of families is needed. We all can see the obvious signs of family falling apart and the repercussions of that loss in our society.

As we break generational cycles, build strong marriages, and create lasting legacies, one home at a time, we will see a shift in the next generation. Within just a few generations, the multiplication affect will mean that millions of people are living in unity and purpose, making a difference for the Kingdom.

Being a part of this experience means helping bring restoration to families all over the world.

The Deets

Part 1: Legacy Mapping Conference

September 20th, 6pm-9pm

September 21st, 6pm-9pm

WatermarkOC Church
3186 Pullman St.,
Costa Mesa, CA 92627


Part 2: Legacy Development

Timeframe: Oct 9th, 2023 - February 10th, 2024

Legacy Development Cohorts start the week of October 9th in groups of 3-6 couples and will go 12 weeks with the Finale Commencement service happening on Sunday February 11th at WatermarkOC at either 9 or 10:30am.

Family Commencement Service: Sunday February 11th, at either 9am or 10:30am at WatermarkOC church services and is required in order to receive your Legacymakers Commencement Token during the commencment. You may still receive your token once you have completed the training.

Book distribution will be completed during the check-in process of Legacy Mapping.

Regardless of whether you are participating with a group at Watermark, a group from another church your in your community, or are planning on getting placed in a group at random - Part 2 of Family Training is where the majority of the training will take place and is recommended in order to get the full experience.

Groups are designed to meet weekly in order to complete the training in time for the commencement service on February 11th but not required.


$65 for the entire experience(Part 1 and Part 2)

We are offering this training at a substantially discounted rate!

Due to the generous support of WatermarkOC Church and a small group of crowd-funders who believe in the power of this training, you are getting an enormous offer at 97% OFF OUR NORMAL PRICE!

Normally, to serve one family, it costs $2,150, excluding childcare and food. However, here, dinner and childcare is an add-on experience to help remove as many barriers for you as possible! The $65 is there to help us cover that extra cost.

Family Training Survey and FAQ

All participants in family training are required to complete a 15min survey both BEFORE and AFTER experiencing the training. This training is part of on ongoing project that is helping families, churches, and communities all over the world experience this training. Completing this survey helps us improve our training programs and bring it to more communities. Your participation is appreciated.

Already completed Legacy Mapping?
You are still invited to complete Part 2 of Family Training, Legacy Development. Register for Family Training below and make note that you have already completed Part 1. Then tell us if you would like to be placed in a group or you are already part of a group and add the group name. You are still required to take the survey before and after.

What if we skip a week because of the holidays or our group doesn't meet weekly?
That's okay, as long as you can finish the 12 week workbook as a group by February 11th. Otherwise you will miss the commencement service. You may still be able to receive the Legacymakers Token and you are still required to take the survey before and after.

Do we have to do Part 2 of the training?
It is not requried, but highly recommended. The fee is still $65 regardless of whether you do part 2 or not. The family survey is still required both before and after your experience.

Do we have to be in a group already to participate?
No, you don't have to be in a group prior to this experience. You will be placed in a group at random and meet them during part 1 of the training. You may, however, invite a group of families to participate in it together.

Who is allowed to receive the Legacymakers Commencement Token?
It is reserved only for those who become Legacymakers by completing both Part 1 AND Part 2 of the training.

Register Now for Family Training

Registration is closed!

Join the waitlist

Take the Family Training survey.

Take the survey!

How our signature programs work.

Legacy Mapping TM

Legacy Mapping is an engaging experience of discovering the unique impact your family is designed to make. With the help of a trained guide and Legacy Map Book, families are led through a 7-step process to identify a core set of Family Values, a Family Mission, and the beginning of a plan to start living it out. It is a 2-session experience, lasting three hours each - filled with good food, inviting conversation, self discovery, and in depth brainstorming.


Legacy Development System TM

The Legacy Development System is the training model used to help families learn to bring the vision they create in Legacy Mapping into reality. Using the model, you'll explore and develop the three major areas of family life; Marriage, Family Discipleship, and Living Your Legacy. Over the course of 12 weeks, families engage and work through the Legacy Development Workbook within the confines of a group dynamic. While building close-knit relationships with families pursuing the same outcome - building a Legacy you're proud of - you will be equipped, challenged, and encouraged in the development of your family legacy.

Legacy Mapping session 1


During session 1 families are led through engaging activities and inquisitive conversation over an array of delicious food. Brainstorming led by intentional questions allows families to come away from session 1 with a greater understanding of indiviual strengths and having begun to formulate their Family Values.

Legacy Mapping session 2


During session 2 families clarify rich and powerful Family Values and a focused Mission unique to your family. You will leave with a vision and the beginnings of a plan to start building a family legacy that will last generations. One that your great great grandkids will be proud of.

System TM

Legacy Mapping creates the vision for your family legacy, the Legacy Development System helps you make that vision a reality. We have seen that often families have barriers that keep them from living out the legacy they want to be building. The Legacy Development System helps establish new rhythms, work through those barriers, and develop habits as a family that will aide in the continual assesment and implementation of their legacy.


Develop confidence in living
your legacy

- Learn to implement your Family Legacy Map
- Grow in your own character development and watch your kids grow in theirs
- Establish a rhythm of family mission meetings
- Find unity in your family calendar
- Develop and Implement Rites of Passage
- Receive accountability and stay on mission as a family


Strengthen your marriage

- Build a marriage you've always dreamt of
- Develop a deep and foundational spiritual connection between each other
- Identify and overcome roadblocks and marital hangups
- Grow in compassion for each other
- Forge a powerful unity around your family legacy


Create a plan for spiritual formation
in your children

- Learn how to raise fully devoted followers of Christ
- Create a plan of discipleship
- Help your kids follow God's Word, grow in intimacy with Christ, and tell others about Him
- Reproduce your faith in future generations
- Establish fun and engaging spiritual practices as a family

Not our own words. Yours.

Hear from families who have become Legacymakers

“Thank you Legacymakers for the impact you have made in our family through this process. Our mission statement is on our minds daily. We have a greater awareness of joy and clarity of vision since going through your course. Thank you Legacymakers!”

Crystal & Michael


Jason and Liz


Beto and Mili


Alicia and Jeremiah