Legacymaker Challenge - Fasting

Legacymaker Challenge - Fasting

In this comfort crazed culture we live in, it is not often that we put ourselves in hard situations that intentionally make us uncomfortable. Developing the mental fortitude, self-control, and spiritual strength needed for the great purposes God has for us is not going to happen amidst staying really comfortable and cozy. We have to be willing to be stretched in order to reach places we haven’t been yet.

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that has been practiced for centuries. As we deny our physical appetite we can grow our spiritual life. When we fast we allow God to reveal ways we are satisfying ourselves with things other than Him. Fasting has extensive benefits not only spiritually but also physically. There is much that could be said about why fasting is a foundational spiritual discipline of our faith and the way it aides in encountering God. Perhaps we’ll do another more in depth post about this in the future but for now, we are simply inviting you to take up the challenge and see how God meets you in it. See what you notice in yourself as your stomach grumbles in hunger, see how growing in self-control can be a step towards bravely living a more selfless life.

So here’s the challenge. Pick one day a week, and for a month from sundown that day to sundown the following day, don’t eat any food and drink lots of water.

You could pick something to pray about each time your stomach growls in hunger. Or you could declare “I hunger for you Lord” everytime you want to go eat something. Or you could simply notice what you want to turn to in order to satisfy you in the uncomfortability. However you choose to approach this challenge, we are confident doing so for a few weeks will expand your spiritual life and character in small or even profound ways.

To dig deeper into the beauty of fasting we recommend reading The Rewards of Fasting by Mike Bickle

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